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Sophie Gauthier's studio
Sophie Gauthier drawing with ink in her studio
Sophie Gauthier portrait
Sophie Gauthier's bike on a long bivouac trip
Sophie Gauthier playing the Ukulele

Hello there

My name is Sophie. I am a visual creator and upcycler from France.

I hope you are having a wonderful day.
Let me know how I can help.

Serious bio

A cosmopolitan at heart, this 48-year-old Parisian has lived in North Africa, Switzerland, England, USA and France.
After attending the Beaux-Arts in Paris and graduating in 2002 from the Ecole des Gobelins, Sophie Gauthier worked as an illustrator, textile designer, graphic designer, communication officer, art director, as well as a trainer in graphic arts at the IESA (Institut d'études supérieures des arts) and a local non-profit for kids.
Today, operating from south of France, she works as a freelance visual designer.

Somewhat funny facts

She loves tinkering with bits and bobs (her sister calls her "Mac Giver“) and secretly rearranging people's flats in her head.
She crossed France and Italy on a bivouac bike trip (where she was honoured to save a field mouse stuck in a bottle).
At the age of 14 she completely dismantled her bike to repaint it, but couldn't put it back together afterwards. She tried to learn ever since (she has even volunteered in a bike repair non-profit) but still is no good.
She loves to get lost in her lab and play the Ukulele when it’s raining.

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